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Bastionowa premiera ''Shadows'' i jego suplementu

2015-01-07 23:11:55

Jak to zwykle bywa na Bastionie – wszystkie ważne newsy są zamieszczane, ale według niektórych standardów... spóźnione. W przypadku mocno przesadzamy, bo uzupełniamy informację sprzed 5 miesięcy, a konkretnie z sierpnia 2014. Mowa o premierze ósmego v-seta autorstwa międzynarodowego komitetu graczy Star Wars Miniatures.

Shadows”, bo o nim mowa, zadebiutował w tradycyjnym GenConowym terminie w zeszłym roku. Wraz z tym wirtualnym dodatkiem ukazał się również mini suplement pod tytułem „Undying”. „Shadows” podobnie jak Wizardsowe miniaturki przeszedł mały lifting. Zmniejszono ilość wydanych kart – z 60 do 45, by ułatwić graczom nadążanie za nowymi trendami w umiejętnościach, statystykach i postaciach. Decyzja chyba jak najbardziej słuszna, bowiem nowych nieeksplorowanych postaci nie ma już tyle co choćby pięć dodatków temu, a nie można w nieskończoność maglować tego samego. Zresztą komitet graczy ma raczej swoje sztywne zasady odnośnie doboru kart i sukcesywnie się ich trzyma, czego trzeba tej grupie pogratulować.

Gwiazdami „Shadows” są na pewno: klonwarsowy Mace Windu na AT-RT, admirał Trench, agent Imperium Jix, spora ekipa rodem z Czarnego Słońca, mandaloriańscy neo-konkwistadorzy i kilka wygrzebanych unikatów. W „ Undying” natomiast postawiono na klona Luke'a Skywalkera z Trylogii Thrawna, Odrodzonego Imperatora i garść postaci z komiksowego „Dziedzictwa”. Doborowo wszystko prezentuje się jak zawsze na wysokim poziomie, za co zawsze chwaliliśmy komitet.

Jeżeli chcecie obejrzeć galerie wszystkich kart, zajrzyjcie do stron produktowych tych dodatków: „Shadows” & „Undying”.

Natomiast plik z kartami do wydruku w formacie .pdf można pobrać z tego miejsca. Życzymy udanej zabawy!

Shadows – zapowiedź #1

2014-07-19 10:26:35 forum Star Wars Games

Zmniejszenie ilości kart w wirtualnych dodatkach międzynarodowego komitetu graczy zrzeszonych na poskutkowało zmniejszeniem częstotliwości przecieków jakie wypływały na forum Star Wars Games za pośrednictwem polskiego szpiega. Stąd też ponad miesięczna przerwa w prezentowaniu nowości jakimi zaskoczy nas v-set „Shadows”. Ale im bliżej premiery dodatku tym materiału do publikacji będzie zapewne więcej, w końcu konsultacje przy ustalaniu statystyk są prowadzone na kilku szczeblach.

Dzisiaj chcemy Wam zaprezentować siedem nowych statystyk i trzy gotowe karty. Ten kolaż postaci można skomentować w trzech słowach: „dobrzy, źli i brzydcy…”.

Togruta Covenant Seer 4/45
Faction: Old Republic
Cost 9
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 16
Attack: +5
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Melee Attack , Covenant Watch Circle [Unless you roll a 1, add +1 to the initiative roll for each Covenant ally adjacent to this character. Only one character with this ability may modify your initiative roll.], Gregarious [+4 Attack while an ally is within 6 squares]
Force Powers: Force 2, Jedi Mind Trick [Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: range 2; target living enemy is considered activated this round and cannot make attacks of opportunity this turn; save 11], Lightsaber Deflect [Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11]

Dread Master 6/45
Faction: Sith
Cost: 34
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 18
Attack: +11
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Melee Attack; Double Attack, Phobis Device [An enemy within 3 squares gets -1 Attack and -1 Defense (this ability stacks). Suppresses enemy commander effects within 3 squares.], Rapport [Costs 5 less when in the same squad as a character named Dread Master]
Force Powers: Force 4, Battle Meditation, Force Heal 20, Lightsaber Assault, Sith Rage

Admiral Trench 15/45
Faction Separatist
Cost: 27
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 17
Attack: +10
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Rival [Cannot be in a squad with any character whose name contains Grevious], Ruthless [Critical hits from this character cannot be prevented or redirected], Ruthless Leader [Separatist Droid allies gain Ruthless], Tactician +6 [Add +6 to the initiative roll except on a roll of 1]
Commander Effect: Droids (excluding Cyborgs) are subject to these effects: Separatist Droid followers within 6 squares gain Accurate Shot. Ech Medium Separatist Droid ally can immediately move up to 2 squares when this character ends his turn within 6 squares of that character.

Snowspeeder Pilot 22/45
Faction: Rebel
Cost: 10
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: +8
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Ground Pilot +2 [Allies with Mounted Weapon who start their moves adjacent to this character get +2 Speed], Improved Gunner +10 [Can combine fire with allies who have Mounted Weapon regardless of adjacency, granting +10 Damage], Rapport [Costs 1 less when in the same squad as a character whose name contains Snowspeeder]

"This is a restricted area! What are you doing here? Stay clear of the combat zone!"

Jawa Clan Leader 31/45
Faction: Fringe
Cost: 17
Hit Points: 40
Attack: +7
Defense: 16
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Accurate Shot, Stealth, Black Market Engine Modifications, Clan Leader (jawa allies gain Accurate Shot and Scramble), Ion Gun +20, Opportunist, Scramble
Commander Effect: Droids are subject to these effects: Non-unique Fringe allies with Mounted Weapon gain Self Destruct Sequence 30, Non-unique Fringe medium or larger droid followers gain Self Destruct 10

Guri, Black Sun Enforcer 32/45
Faction: Fringe
Cost: 38
Hit Points: 110
Attack: +9
Defense: 19
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Unique, Droid.Black Sun Vigo, Twin Attack, Stealth, Assassin, Close Quarters Fighting, Human Replica Droid (this droid is subject to Commander Effects), Protective +10 (while wounded ally named Xizor), Sensors, Xizor's Decoy

Domain Choka Warrior Vong 43/45
Faction: Yuuzhan Vong
Cost: 24
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 18
Attack: +12
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Double Attack, Warrior (Counts as a character named Yuuzhan Vong Warrior), Advantageous Attack, Force Immunity, Synergy +4 (+4 attack while within 6 from a character whose name contains Nas Choka), Crab Armor 6



2014-05-17 08:46:38

Fanów Star Wars Miniatures z komitetu graczy na nie zniechęciło zdelegalizowanie Expanded Universe i okraszenie go nagłówkiem „Legends“. Fanowskie karty do bitewniaka powstają i będą powstawać, ale doświadczenie komitetu nakierowało go na pewne zmiany. Od ósmego dodatku v-sety będą zawierać od 40 do 45 postaci, na szczęście zostają mini sety, które zawsze były dostarczycielami kolejnych 10 klimatycznych kart.

Na depresję związaną z umierającym EU najlepszym lekiem może być właśnie produkt fanowski i tutaj komitet ze stanął na wysokości zadania, bo nie przerwał swojej pracy, czego efektem będzie dodatek „Shadows” i mini dodatek „Undying”. Mamy już pierwsze przecieki od komixa i wiemy że w v-secie pojawią się: Shoaneb Culu, Darth Nihl, Hand of Krayt, Serra Keto, Commando Droid Officer, Wedge Antillies, Rogue 3, Wrenga "Jix" Jixton, Boba Fett, Assassin-For-Hire, Guri, Black Sun Enforcer, Togorian Black Sun Vigo i wiele innych. Natomiast poniżej prezentujemy pierwsze statystyki z „Shadows”.

Elite Republic Commando Fixer 10/45
Faction: Republic
Cost: 25
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 17
Attack: +10
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique. Order 66, Double Attack, Delta Synergy [republic commandos within 6 squares gain +4 attack], Delta Med Support [Republic commandos gain Kolto Pack[Replaces attacks: range 3; remove 10 damage from a character whose name contains republic commando.]], Override, Stealth

Stormtrooper Sniper 25/45
Faction: Imperial
Cost: 22
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 16
Attack: +9
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Accurate Shot, Double Attack, Sniper, Stealth

“These blast points — too accurate for sandpeople. Only imperial stormtroopers are so precise.” -Obi-Wan Kenobi

R2-D2, Galactic Hero 27/45
Faction: New Republic
Cost: 10
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 17
Attack: +8
Damage: 0
Unique: Droid, Distraction, Electric Shock +10, Override, Smoke Screen [Replaces Attacks: This character and allies within 2 squares count as having cover until the end of the round]

Klatooinian Black Sun Thug 34/45
Faction: Fringe
Cost: 6
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 16
Attak: +3
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Black Sun [If a character whose name contains Xizor or Vigo is in the same squad, this character gains Grenades 10], Satchel Charge [Replaces attacks: Designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed], Stealth [If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets]

Neo-Crusader Elite Trooper 39/45
Faction: Mandalorian
Cost: 23
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 17
Attack: +10
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Beskar'gam [When this character takes damage, it reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11], Quadruple Attack [On its turn, this character can make 3 extra attacks instead of moving], Single-Shot Blaster [This character cannot gain Twin Attack]

"Many men will volunteer to die, but few will be patient in the face of pain." Attributed to Canderous Ordo

Więcej o „Shadows” i „Undying” dowiecie się z naszych zapowiedzi, które będą ukazywały się regularnie aż do e-premiery dodatków.

Bastionowa premiera "Armed and Operational"

2014-04-27 13:46:53 forum Star Wars Games

W świetle dramatycznych wiadomości dla wieloletnich fanów Star Wars i gry Star Wars Miniatures, jakimi okazało się otwarcie nowego kanonu poniższy news stracił wszystkie aspekty swojej "kanoniczności". Dodatkowo sprawę umniejsza fakt, że chcemy Wam zaprezentować produkt w pełni fanowski. Dziwnie patrzy się na całą rzeszę nowych miniaturek, które z punktu widzenia Disney'a są co najwyżej legendami. Ale czy to naprawdę cokolwiek zmienia? Czy nasze podejście do gry i nowych minisów musi być inne? Nikt graczom nie zakaże grać, tym bardziej że bitewniak jest już nieczynny i nie będą do niego powstawały oficjalne kanoniczne miniaturki. W przestrzeni fanowskiej mamy sporo miejsca i czasu na rozprawienie co dalej z kanonem i jak on wpłynie na nasze podejście do Star Wars. Ale pamiętajcie, że Gwiezdne Wojny były zawsze produktem rozrywkowym i jeżeli dalej chcemy, żeby nas bawiły, to nie możemy tworzyć do okoła nich jakiejś ideowej martyrologii.

Wracając do tematu newsa, w marcu międzynarodowy komitet graczy Star Wars Miniatures zrzeszonych na wydał siódmy wirtualny dodatek do gry pod nazwą "Armed and Operational" oraz mini dodatek pod tytułem "Invasion". Oba produkty zawierają łacznie 70 nowych kart do bitewniaka i wprowadzają rekordowo ilość nowych postaci do gry. I tak rzeszę miniaturek zasilił nowy Darth Maul, Death Watch Overlord z affinity dla Mandalorian, sithański Lord Scourge, upadły Jedi Pong Krell z serialu "The Clone Wars", "chłopaki" z Ręki Sprawiedliwości, trójka uczniów Luke'a Skywalkera, Larsowie (!), Sarlacc i wiele innych ciekawych postaci. Natomiast tak zwane duble, czyli figurki wydane wcześniej, można liczyć na palcach jednej ręki.

Jeżeli będziecie chcieli ściagnąć plik w formacie pdf przygotowany do wydruku kart to zapraszamy do zajrzenia pod ten adres. Zaglądając na bastionowe strony produktowe znajdziecie galerię ze wszystkimi kartamim, możecie tam również ocenić nowy twór komitetu.

Armed and Operational

Poniżej natomiast prezentujemy pięć przykładowych kart z nowych dodatków.

Kolejny v-set już w produkcji. Zatem niebawem na łamach Bastionu pojawią się najświeższe zapowiedzi wirtualnych kart do Star Wars Miniatures.

Armed and Operational – zapowiedź #2

2014-01-07 20:40:00

Korzystając ze światecznej przerwy nasz polski szpieg w strukturach międzynarodowego komitetu graczy Star Wars Miniatures zrzeszonych na przekazał kolejną porcję interesujacych informacji na temat opracowywanego dodatku “Armed and Operational”. Co najważniejsze w tym przekazie pojawiły się nie tylko “suche” statystyki ale także karty postaci – są aż 4 sztuki. Wiemy dzięki nim, że symbolem tego nowego wirtualnego dodatku bedzie blaster. W dzisiejszym odcinku zapowiedzi prezentujemy: szefa Ewoków, młodego Galfridiana z komiksowego “Invasion”, Dartha Maula z jego ostatnich odcników w “The Clone Wars” oraz mamę Skywalker z dzieciątkiem Anakinem. W sumie mamy dla Was 11 nowych wirtualnych statystyk do bitewniaka Star Wars Miniatures.

Geonosian Elite Soldier 21/60
Faction: Separatist
Cost: 16
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 18
Attack +9
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Elite Beam Weapon [Replaces turn: Make 1 attack at +13 Attack and 40 Damage; you cannot use Twin Attack, allies cannot combine fire this turn, and this attack cannot be prevented or redirected], Flight [Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving], Rapport [Characters named Geonosian Soldier cost 2 less when in the same squad as this character], Sonic Attack [An enemy attacked by this character cannot use Force powers for the rest of that turn], Synergy +4 [Allies named Geonosian Soldier get +4 Attack while within 6 squares of this character]

Chief Chirpa 41/60
Faction: Fringe
Cost: 16
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 18
Attack: +6
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Unique, Ewok, Stealth, Swarm +2 [+2 Attack against a target for each allied Ewok adjacent to that target]
Commander Effect: Ewok allies gain Charging Fire [Replaces turn: Can move up to double speed, then attack] and Gregarious [+4 Attack if an ally is within 6 squares].
"It might be a long and dangerous chase, but in the end we will triumph."

Finn Galfridian 4/60
Faction: Fringe
Cost: 24
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 18
Attack: +9
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Double Attack, Mettle [If this character spends 1 Force point to reroll, add +4 to the result], Vongsense [Ignores Force Immunity of Yuuzhan Vong enemies]
Force Powers: Force 3, Force Sense [Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: Enemy characters lose Stealth for the rest of the round], Jedi Mind Trick, Lightsaber Block
Commander Effect: Droids are subject to this effect: At the end of this character's turn, an ally named Prowl within 6 squares may immediately use 1 ability that replaces attacks.

Geonosian Soldier with Sonic Cannon 22/60
Faction: Separatist
Cost: 17
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 14
Attack: +6
Damage: 30
Special Abilities: Speed 4, Forward Posistioning, Heavy Weapon, Machinery, Sonic Weapon, Splash 20, Synchronised Fire [Allies with sonic attack or weapon who combine fire with this character grant +6 attack instead of +4]

Darth Maul, Death Watch Overlord 9/60
Faction: Sith
Cost: 45
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 20
Attack: +14
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Affinity (Mandalorian), Deadly Attack, Teräs Käsi Style (Whenever this character takes damage from a melee attack, reduce the damage dealt by 10)
Force Powers: Force 2. Force Renewal 1, Force Cloak, Lightsaber Assault, Lightsaber Riposte
Commander Effect: A character whose name contains Savage Opress may be in your squad regardless of faction. Death Watch followers within 6 squares gain +4 attack and +10 damage.

Taxtro Grave 33/60
Faction: Imperial
Cost: 27
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 17
Attack: +8
Damage: 20
Special Abilties: Unique. Trooper. Twin Attack, Careful Shot +4 (On this character's turn, if it doesn't move, it gets +4 Attack), Deadeye, Independent Outfit (Also counts as a Fringe character for the purpose of commander effects), Stealth
"All right, I give up. Somebody say it." "Okay. The Hand of Judgment?"

Galactic Alliance Officer 34/60
Faction: New Republic
Cost: 22
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 17
Attack: +9
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Double Attack, Flak Shield (Whenever this character takes damage it reduces the damage by 10 with a save of 6. Attacks from adjacent enemies ignore this ability), Penetration 10 (Enemies' Damage Reduction is reduced by 10 against this character's attacks), Rapport 5 (costs 5 less in a New Republic squad)
Commender Effect: Allies whose name contain Galactic Alliance gain Flak Shield

Kolejna zapowiedź powinna ukazać się na łamach Bastionu za około dwa tygodnie.

Armed and Operational - zapowiedź #1

2013-12-16 10:10:23 forum Star Wars Games

Zgodnie z naszą listopadową zapowiedzią rozpoczynamy regularne zapowiedzi nowego wirtualnego projektu Star Wars Miniatures, nad którym pracuje międzynarodowy komitet graczy zrzeszonych na Mowa o „Armed and Operational” i mini-secie „Invasion”. Co nieco informacji przekazaliśmyw poprzednim newsie, dzisiaj jednak przyszedł czas konkretów. A w Star Wars Miniatures (nawet tym wirtualnym) najlepszym konkretem są statystyki, które pozwolą ocenić przydatność danej karty. W pierwszej zapowiedzi „Armed and Operational” prezentujemy zatem osiem statystyk, a w skład tej super ósemki wejdą takie tuzy uniwersum Gwiezdnych Wojen jak: Alema Rar, Gantoris czy mistrz Tholme. Zapraszamy do tej trudnej lektury.

Alema Rar 7/60
[RM: Clone Strike Aayla]
Faction: Sith
Cost: 24
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 19
Attack: +9
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Saber Dart, Stealth
Force Powers: Force 3, Force Cloak, Force Lightning 2, Knight Speed
"Perhaps I want to be cruel."

Shamed One 55/60
[RM: Geonosian Drone]
Faction: Yuuzhan Vong
Cost: 3
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 14
Attack: +1
Damage: 10
Special Abilties: Force Immunity, Melee Attack, Low Caste (can't cost less than 3 points, can't be reinforcement or reserve), Shamed One (not subject to Vong Special Abilities that boost damage or attack)
"Shamed ones are cursed by the gods, they work as slaves, they are not worth speaking of."

Mandalorian Demolitionist 54/60
Faction: Madalorian
Cost: 6
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 14
Attaack: +4
Damage: 10
Special Abilties: Self-destruct 10, Athorian Charge: Replaces turn: designate 1 door within 6 squares. It remains open for the rest of the skirmish

Minos, the Yuuzhan Vong Warrior
Faction: Yuuzhan Vong
Cost: 27
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 17
Attack: +9
Damage: 10
Special Abilties: Unique. Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Comradere (Character named Commader Sha'kel gains Opportunist), Force Immunity, Opportunist, Thudbug 10, Vonduun Crab armor 11

Coruscant Guard Clone Trooper 15/60
Faction: Republic
Cost: 16
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 17
Attack: +7
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Order 66, Advantageous Cover, Oppertunist, Sonic Stunner, Flak Shield (Whenever this character takes damage it reduces the damage by 10 with a save of 6. Attacks from adjacent enemies ignore this ability)
"I'm gonna need to see further Identification"

Gantoris 35/60
Faction: New Republic
Cost: 39
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 18
Attack: +11
Damage: 30
Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Melee Reach 2, Affinity (can be in a squad with a character named Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit), Rival (against Corran Horn), Synergy +2 (with Exar Kun, Dark Force Spirit)
Force Powers: Force 3, Force Bubble, Force Pull 2

Covenant Executor 4/60
Faction: Old Republic
Cost: 19
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 18
Attack: +11
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Double Attack, Droid Hunter, Force Bond (Allies with a force rating and a lightsaber gain Force Leap), Sith Hunter
Force Powers: Force 2, Force Leap, Lightsaber Sweep

Master Tholme 17/60
Faction: Republic
Cost: 36
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 21
Attack: +12
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Distraction (Suppresses adjacent enemy commander effects), Avoid Defeat (Whenever this character would be defeated, make 2 saves, each needing 11; if both succeed, this character has 10 Hit Points instead of being defeated), Stealth
Force Powers: Force 5, Force Heal 30 (Force 2, replaces attacks: touch; remove 30 damage from a living character), Force Withdrawal, Jedi Mind Trick 2 (Force 2, usable only on this character's turn: range 2; target living enemy and 2 living enemies adjacent to that target are considered activated this round and cannot make attacks of opportunity this turn; save 11), Lightsaber Defense (Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11)

Kolejna zapowiedź powinna pojwić się za około 2 tygodnie.

Armed and Operational

2013-11-28 22:36:34 forum Star Wars Games

Od premiery „Command of the Galaxy” minęły trzy miesiące, na Bastionie pojawiły się nawet opisy z galeriami kart dodatku i towarzyszącego mu mini dodatku. Serdecznie zapraszamy Was do zapoznania się z nimi i wystawianiem im ocen.

Tymczasem międzynarodowy komitet graczy Star Wars Miniatures zrzeszonych na pracuje nad kolejnym v-setem bitewniaka, który będzie nosił nazwę „Armed and Operational”. Komix - nasz łącznik w komitecie i szpieg forum Star Wars Games już rozpoczął regularne nadawanie i przemyt informacji. Stąd też wiemy, że dodatek będzie liczył 60 kart, choć w przyszłości ta liczba zostanie zmniejszona do 40 sztuk, by ułatwić orientację i nawigację po nowościach. Z pierwszych przecieków wiemy, że w skład „Armed and Operational” będą wchodzić takie postaci jak:

  • Alema Rar,
  • Shu Mai,
  • General Rham Kota,
  • Shamed One,
  • Beast Rider of Onderon,
  • Mandalorian Strike Force Leader
  • Army of Light Trooper,
  • Darth Maul Death Watch Overlord,
  • Mandalorian Demolitionist,
  • Minos, the Yuuzhan Vong Warrior,
  • Couruscant Guard Clone Trooper,
  • Gantoris.

    Od przyszłego tygodnia rozpoczniemy regularne zapowiedzi tego dodatku, zatem bądźcie czujni!

    By mieć pełnię informacji o tym co szykuje dla nas komitet należy dodać, że mini dodatek nazwano „Invasion”. Czyżby odnośnik do komiksowej serii pod tym samym tytułem? O tym przekonamy się zapewne za kilka tygodni.

  • ''Command of the Galaxy'' w całej okazałości

    2013-09-12 22:14:28

    Fani Star Wars Miniatures od marca mogli ekscytować się zapowiedziami kolejnego wirtualnego dodatku do bitewniaka autorstwa międzynarodowego komitetu graczy zrzeszonych na Początkowo informacji na temat "Command of the Galaxy" nie było wiele, ale im bliżej tradycyjnego sierpniowego terminu premiery, tym przecieków z komitetu pojawiało się więcej. I mimo tego, że w obecnej rzeczywistości z prężnie rozwijającym się i polonizowanym X-Wingiem, emocjonowanie się miniaturkami to wręcz imprezowanie na stypie, można sobie grę nieźle urozmaicić. Oczywiście trzeba mieć zaparcie by przez wszystkie dodane karty przedrzeć się i wyłowić, to co nas interesuje. Łącznie miniaturek Star Wars: oficjalnych i tych komitetowych jest już grubo ponad 1000.

    "Command of the Galaxy" jak każdy inny v-set ma swoją specyfikę i w tym przypadku jest nim postawienie na mocnych dowódców. Z tego dobrodziejstwa korzysta każda frakcja. Ale w dodatku znajdziemy także wielu łowców nagród i bohaterów wojennych, po których nie sięgnęła firma Wizards of the Coast. Jednak należy zwrócić uwagę, że kilka postaci dostało także nowe wcielenia, dlatego miłośnicy "luków", "wejderów" czy "sidjusów" znajdą coś dla siebie. Wszystkie karty dodatku zestawione w przygotowanym do druku pliku pdf znajdziecie tutaj! Poniżej prezentujemy piątkę ciekawszych kart z "Command of the Galaxy":

    Jakby tego było wam mało, to plik z nowym v-setem zawiera także dwunastokartowy mini dodatek "Vehicles of War", który na nowo "odkrywa" zalety miniaturek typu large i huge.

    kliknij by pobrać wirtualny dodatek do Star Wars Miniatures pt. "Command of the Galaxy" (pdf)

    W ciąglu najbliższych kilku dni na Bastionie pojawi się galeria kart "Command of the Galaxy" i "Vehicles of War", tak więc bacznie obserwujcie rubrykę "ostatnie artukuły".


    Command of the Galaxy – zapowiedź #2

    2013-07-12 21:26:40 forum Star Wars Games

    Międzynarodowy komitet graczy zrzeszonych na forum Star Wars Games pracuje nad nowym dodatkiem - "Command of the Galaxy". Pod koniec maja prezentowaliśmy pierwsze 9 statystyk, tymczasem przyszła pora na nowości. W dzisiejszej zapowiedzi mamy przyjemność przedstawić 12 świeżych statystyk, a wśród nich: jabiimski wódz fanatyk Alto Stratus, deklonłorsowa Asajj Ventress, bohater bitwy o Endor Luke Skywalker, mistrz nad mistrzami Lucen Draay, sithańska kochanica Bena Skywalkera Vestara Khai oraz deoldrepablikowa Shae Vizla. Co ciekawe nie znamy jeszcze wyglądu kart jakie będę przeznaczone dla "Command of the Galaxy", a tym samym loga dodatku. Nie pozostaje nam nic innego jak czekać na kolejne informacje.

    Alto Stratus 15/60
    Faction: Separatist
    Cost: 34
    Hit Points: 90
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +12
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack; Double Attack, Ambush [Can move and then make all his attacks against 1 enemy who has not activated this round], Independent Outfit [Also counts as a Fringe character for the purpose of commander effects], Jedi Hatred +20 [+20 Damage against enemies with Force ratings], Never Tell Me the Odds [Suppresses enemy special abilities that modify initiative], Parry [When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11], Stable Footing [Not slowed by difficult terrain or low objects], Independent [Your squad may not contain more than one other Separatist commander]
    Commander Effect: Allies whose names contain Nimbus gain Bravado +10 [+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an adjacent enemy with a higher point cost] and Ambush. Non-Unique Separatist followers gain Independent Outfit

    Old Republic Rocket Jumper
    Cost: 15
    Hit Points: 50
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Double Attack, Ambush, Bravado +10, Flight, Recon

    Asajj Ventress, Nightsister 16/60
    Faction: Separatist
    Cost: 35
    Hit Points: 110
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Niman Style, Assassin, Bounty Hunter +2, Parry, Twin Attack, Stable Footing
    Force Powers: Force 4, Force Cloak, Force Grip, Master Speed

    Tetan Shock Trooper 7/60
    Faction: Sith
    Cost: 14
    Hit Points: 30
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +6
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Double Attack, Brainwashed [If this character cannot make an attack from its starting space, it must end its move adjacent to an enemy if it can], Mighty Swing [On its turn, if this character doesn't move, it gets +10 Damage against adjacent enemies]

    Luke Skywalker, Hero of Endor 24/60
    Faction: Rebel
    Cost: 44
    Hit Points: 110
    Defense: 21
    Attack: +14
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack; Twin Attack, Djem So Style [Whenever this character is hit by a melee attack, make a save of 11. On a success, this character can make an immediate attack against that attacker.], Versatility [At the start of the skirmish, after set-up, you may replace this character with another character of an equal or lesser cost who counts as Luke Skywalker. The chosen replacement gains one of this character's other special abilities. If the replacement's cost is at least 5 less than this character's cost, he also gains this character's commander effect.]
    Force Powers: Force 3. Force Renewal 1, Knight Speed [Force 1: Can move 4 extra squares on his turn as part of his move], Lightsaber Assault [Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks], Lightsaber Defense [When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11], Overwhelming Force [Force 1: This character's attacks can't be prevented or redirected this turn]

    Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight 9/60
    Faction: Republic
    Cost: 29
    Hit Points: 110
    Defense: 19
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack; Twin Attack, Ataru Style [+4 Attack if exactly one enemy is within 6 squares], Stealth [If this character has cover, she does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets], Synergy +2 [+2 Attack and +2 Defense while an ally whose name contains Quinlan Vos is within 6 squares]
    Force Powers: Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Brutal Strike [Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: This character's attacks cannot be prevented and enemy characters attacked by this character cannot use special abilities or Force powers that respond to this character's attacks for the rest of the turn], Force Pull 2 [Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6; Move target Large or smaller enemy adjacent to this character. Make an immediate attack against that enemy.], Lightsaber Sweep [Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once]

    Chiss Captain 43/60
    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 16
    Hit Points: 50
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +7
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Double Attack, Backlash [This character can move and then make all of its attacks against 1 enemy who has already activated this round], Deceptive [+10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round], Recon [Roll twice for initiative once per round, choosing either roll, if any character with Recon in the same squad has line of sight to an enemy]
    Commander Effect: Non-Unique Fringe followers gain Backlash and Deceptive.

    Lucien Draay, Jedi Master 3/60
    Faction: Old Republic
    Cost: 57
    Hit Points: 130
    Defense: 21
    Attack: +15
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Covenant, Speed 8, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Shii-Cho Style [+4 Attack and +4 Defense while 3 or more enemies are within 6 squares]
    Force Powers: Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Dispassionate Killer [Force 1: +4 Attack and +20 Damage until the end of this character's turn. At the end of that turn, make a save of 11. If the save fails, this character is immediately defeated.], Force Push 3 [Force 3, replaces turn: range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target, and push back target and each character adjacent to that target 3 squares if Huge or smaller], Lightsaber Defense [Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11], Lightsaber Riposte [Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character can make an immediate attack against that attacker]
    Commander Effect: Covenant followers gain Speed 8; At the end of this character's turn, 1 Covenant follower within 6 squares may make an immediate attack

    Vestara Khai 8/60
    Faction: Sith
    Cost: 22
    Hit Points: 70
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Lost Tribe, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Affinity [May be in a squad with a character named Ben Skywalker regardless of faction], Cunning Attack [+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round], Shikkar [Replaces turn, usable once per skirmish: touch; deal 10 damage to a living enemy. For the rest of the skirmish, each time that enemy activates it takes 10 damage; this damage cannot be prevented.], Vicious Attack [Triple damage instead of double on a Critical hit]
    Force Powers: Force 3, Force Push 3 [Force 3, replaces turn: range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target, and push back target and each character adjacent to that target 3 squares if Huge or smaller], Lightsaber Deflect [Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11]

    Bothan Spymaster 23/60
    Fction: Rebel
    Cost: 11
    Hit Points: 30
    Defense: 15
    Attack: +5
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Cloaked [If this character has cover, it cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies], EMP Grenades [A nonliving character that is subject to this character's Grenades ability is considered activated this round; save 11. Huge and larger characters ignore this effect.], Grenades 10 [Replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11], Traps [Enemy characters within 6 squares get -4 Defense]

    Praetorite Vong Scout 59/60
    Faction: Yuuzhan Vong
    Cost: 9
    Hit Points: 10
    Defense: 11
    Attack: +1
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Vong Warrior, Melee Attack, Cloacked, Force Immunity, Forward Positioning, Pathfinder, Recon, Stable Footing

    Shae Vizla 55/60
    Faction: Mandalorian
    Cost: 32
    Hit Points: 70
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +12
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Mobile Attack, Flight, Affinity (Sith), Bounty Hunter +4, Flamethrower 20, Jedi Hatred, Missles 20, Stealth, Overload [You may use two abilities that replace attack in a turn]

    Kolejne statystyki zaprezentujemy za około dwa tygodnie.

    Command of the Galaxy – zapowiedź #1

    2013-05-26 13:18:08 forum Star Wars Games

    Przy okazji premiery piątego wirtualnego dodatku do Star Wars Miniatures autorstwa międzynarodowego komitetu graczy zrzeszonych na SWMGamers.comGalactic Heroes” uchylono rąbka tajemnicy na temat kolejnego v-seta jakim będzie „Command of the Galaxy”. Ten dodatek ma skupić się na dowódcach znanych w uniwersum Gwiezdnych Wojen i rozwijać umiejętności „wodzów”. Do dziś poza potwierdzonymi statystykami, które prezentujemy poniżej, wiadomo że swoje karty dostaną takie osobowości jak: admirał Motti czy Chewbacca. W „Command of the Galaxy” pojawią się wszystkie frakcje. Poniżej prezentujemy garstkę statystyk, które ujrzały światło dzienne.

    Clone Trooper with Flamethrower 13/60
    Faction: Republic
    Cost: 11
    Hit Points: 20
    Defense: 14
    Attack: +0
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Burning Attacks, Flamethrower 20

    Quinlan Vos, Double Agent 14/60
    Faction: Republic
    Cost: 39
    Hit Points: 110
    Defense: 21
    Attack: +12
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee, Double, Affinity Seps, Assassin, Ataru Style Mastery, Con Artist, Internal Strife, It's a Trap!, Vaapad-Style Fighting
    Force Powers: Force 2, Renewal 1, Force Cloak, Force Grip 1, Force Lightning 1

    Neimodian Trooper 19/60
    Faction: Separatist
    Cost: 12
    Hit Points: 30
    Defense: 14
    Attack: +7
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Accurate Shot, Careful Shot +4, Deadeye

    Biggs Darklighter, Rebel Pilot 22/60 Faction: Rebel
    Cost: 27
    Hit Points: 80
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique. Double Attack; Greater Mobile Attack, Red Squadron Ace [Counts as a character named Red Squadron Ace], Bravado +10 [+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an adjacent enemy with a higher point cost], Camaraderie [An ally whose name contains Luke Skywalker gains Pilot], Evade [When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, this character takes no damage with a save of 11], Squad Assault [+4 Attack while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares]

    "He had that smirk, the one he'd give you when he'd done something you couldn't." - Gavin Darklighter

    Captian Needa 29/60
    Faction: Imperial
    Cost: 11
    Hit Points: 40
    Defense: 14
    Attaack: +4
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Unique
    Commander Effect: Once per turn, each non-unique Imperial follower may reroll a missed attack at +4 Attack. If the result is still a miss this character is defeated

    Veteran Snowtrooper 33/60
    Faction: Imperial
    Cost: 11
    Hit Points: 30
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +5
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilties: Squad Cover [+4 Defense while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares], Stable Footing [Not slowed by difficult terrain or low objects]

    Jedi Trainee 38/60
    Faction: New Republic
    Cost: 18
    Hit Points: 50
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +6
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Melee, Padawan, Trainee (While Adjacent to an ally with Melee Atk and a Force Rating this character uses the printed Atk and Def of itself or the Ally whichever is higher)
    Force Powers: Force 2, Lightsaber Defense, Lightsaber Flurry

    Zekk 40/60
    Faction: New Republic
    Cost: 31
    Hit Points: 90
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack, Twin, Pilot, Stealth, Synergy (+2/+2 when within 6 of an ally whose name contains Jaina)
    Force Powers: Force 4, Dark Temptation, Force Leap, Force Pull 2 (force 2; replace attacks, range 6, Move target large or smaller enemy adjacent to this character. Make an immediate attack against that enemy), Lightsaber Sweep

    Bespin Guard Captain 41/60
    Faction: Fringe
    Cost: 13
    Hit Points: 40
    Defense: 14
    Attack: +6
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Bespin Guard [Counts as a character named Bespin Guard], Advantageous Cover [+8 Defense from cover instead of +4], Camaraderie [An ally named Lando Calrissian gains Opportunist], Opportunist [+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round], Rapport [Costs 1 less when in the same squad as a character named Lando Calrissian]
    Commander Effect: Allies whose names contain Bespin Guard gain Double Attack.

    Mini dodatek do dodatku będzie nosił nazwę „Vehicles of War”. Obecnie z jego zawartości ujawniono miniaturki: URoRRuR'R'R on Bantha oraz nową wersję legendarnego AT-AT.

    Więcej ciekawostek i statystyk opublikujemy wkrótce!

    Bastionowa premiera ''Galactic Heroes''

    2013-03-23 09:21:51

    Życie graczy Star Wars Miniatures jest nieco leniwe i biegnie w cieniu odnoszącego sukcesy X-Winga, ale ta doświadczona życiem grupa ma się też czym emocjonować. Od października do marca trwały zapowiedz i prezentacje nowego wirtualnego dodatku pod tytułem „Galactic Heroes”, nad którym pracował międzynarodowy komitet graczy zrzeszonych na Zwieńczeniem tych trudów była premiera v-seta 2 marca 2013. Ostatnio postawiono na szumowiny i złoczyńców, dlatego teraz dla przeciwwagi pojawili się bohaterowie galaktyki. Lecz nie obyło się bez nowych przeciwników, z którymi przyjdzie im toczyć boje na planszach. Dzięki „Galactic Heroes” nowymi twarzami w Star Wars Miniatures stali się: Krynda Draay, Darth Wyyyrlok III, Boss Nass, Jorus Watto, C'baoth, Jan Ors, Desann, czy też Mirith Sinn.

    Komitet udostępnił plik pdf, który ułatwi wydruk kart, znajdziecie go tutaj. Natomiast w tym miejscu znajduje się bastionowa galeria kart z „Galactic Heroes”. Serdecznie zapraszamy do jej przeglądania i oceniania.

    Równolegle do głównego wirtualnego dodatku wydano także mini dodatek, będacy swoistym uzupełnieniem i rozszerzeniem. „The Old Republic”, bo o nim mowa, wprowadza do bitewniaka 10 nowych kart z postaciami związanymi z grą o tym samym tytule. Dzięki temu mini dodatkowi osoby grające w Star Wars Miniatures muszą mimochodem przynajmniej liznąć realiów świata Gwiezdnych Wojen z czasów Stare Republiki. Karty „The Old Republic” a także dwie bonusowe Darth Sidious, Sith Mastermind oraz Luke Skywalker, Master of the Order znajdziecie w tym samym pliku co karty „Galactic Heroes” (klik!), natomiast tutaj znajduje się nasza galeria.

    To jednak nie koniec wieści miniaturkowych. Komitet mimo przebicia granicy 300 kart, walczy o więcej i już zapowiedział nowy wirtualny dodatek pod tytułem: „Command of the Galaxy”. Więcej wieści wkrótce.


    Galactic Heroes – zapowiedź #2

    2013-02-08 21:20:54 forum Star Wars Games

    Fanów bitewniaka Star Wars Miniatures zapraszamy na drugą zapowiedź nowego wirtualnego dodatku do gry autorstwa międzynarodowego komitetu graczy zrzeszonych na pod tytułem „Galactic Heroes”. W poprzedniej odsłonie nowości przedstawiliśmy 8 statystyk, od tamtej pory komitet ujawnił kolejnych 12 (w tym dwie do mini dodatku „The Old Republic”). Dowiedzieliśmy się także jaki będzie rozkład sił w „Galactic Heroes”, i tak też następujące frakcje otrzymają po:

  • Old Republic – 6 kart,
  • Sith - 5 kart,
  • Republic – 6 kart,
  • Separatist – 7 kart,
  • Rebel – 7 kart,
  • Imperial – 4 karty,
  • New Republic – 6 kart,
  • Fringe – 6 kart,
  • Mandalorian – 6 kart,
  • Yuuzhan Vong – 7 kart.

    Natomiast mini dodatek „The Old Republic” zostanie rozłożony w konfiguracji sprzyjającej „miecznikom”:
  • Old Republic – 3 karty,
  • Sith – 3 karty,
  • Mandalorian – 3 karty,
  • Fringe, New Republic i Imperial – po 1 karcie.

    Poniżej prezentujemy drugą zapowiedź statystyk do v-seta Star Wars Miniatures „Galactic Heroes”.

    Qyzen Sess – TOR 3/10
    Fraction: Old Republic
    Cost: 36
    Hit Points: 90
    Defense: 19
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Trandoshan, Double Attack Consular's Decoy: Whenever a non-unique character whose name contains Consular is within 6 squares and is targetted, this character may switch positions with that character. Rapport (A character named Jedi Shadow cost 1 less when in squad with this character),Regeneration 10, Resilient, Scorekeeper's Blessing (when this character defeats a character of higher point cost, he gains +1 attack and +1 defense. This effect is cumulative), Shields 1, Synergy (A character named Jedi Consular gains +2 Attack and +2 Defense while within 6 of this character)

    General Lando Calrissian – 28/60
    Fraction: Rebel
    Cost 28
    Hit Points: 80
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilites: Unique. Pilot, Double Attack; Greater Mobile Attack, Rapport (A character named Nien Nunb costs 5 less when in the same squad as this character), Opportunist, Camaraderie (An ally named Nien Nunb or who counts as Han Solo gains Pilot)
    Commander Effect: Pilots in your squad (including this character) get +4 Defense against adjacent enemies.

    Mandalorian Technician - 53
    Fraction: Mandalorian
    Cost: 15
    Hit Points: 30
    Defense: 15
    Attack: +4
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Speed 4, Blast Cannon, Communication Supplies, Frequency Amplification (Allied commander effects are extended by 2 squares), Power Coupling

    Sith Juggernaut – 11/60
    Fraction: Sith
    Cost: 49
    Hit Points: 110
    Defense: 20
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Melee Attack. Double Attack, Bodyguard, Draw Fire, Force Attuned Armor, Rapport (Character named Vette cost 1 less when in the same squad as this character), Soresu Style
    Force Powers: Force 4, Lightsaber Riposte, Crushing Blow (Force 2:+10 damage on all of attacks this turn; enemies damaged by this character attacks get -2 defense for the rest of skirmish)

    Darth Talon, Sith Assassin
    Frction: Sith
    Cost: 28
    Hit Points: 90
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack. Double Attack, Ataru Style Mastery (+4 Attack and Twin Attack if exactly 1 enemy is within 6 squares), New Hand of Darth Krayt (This character can spend its own Force points once per turn and spend Force points from a character who counts as Darth Krayt once per turn), Stealth (If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets), Synergy (This character gains +4 attack and +4 defence while within 6 squares of a character who counts as Darth Krayt), Turn to the Darkside (Replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage to 1 target with a Force rating. The target can choose to negate this damage and instead make a save of 11; if the save fails, the target joins this character's squad until the end of the skirmish.)
    Force Powers: Force 3, Force Bubble, Force Cloak, Force Lighting 1

    "I am Darth Talon…I am my master's hand…I am your death." ―Darth Talon

    Sev'rance Tann – 24/60
    Fraction: Separatist
    Cost: 55
    Hit Points: 110
    Defense: 20
    Attack: +11
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack; Double Attack, Lightsaber Duelist [+4 Defense when attacked by an adjacent enemy with a Force rating], Rapport [Huge and larger Separatist allies cost 10 less when in the same squad as this character], Shielding Upgrades [Non-living allies with Damage Reduction 10 gain Advanced Shields 1 (When this character takes damage, it reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 6)]
    Force Powers: Force 4, Lightsaber Block [Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11], Sith Rage [Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11]
    Commander Effect: Droids are subject to this effect: Adjacent allies ignore cover when they use special abilities whose name contains Missiles. Followers within 6 squares with Mounted Weapon gain Flanking Attack [Until the end of the round, an enemy attacked by this character has -4 Defense against allies with Mounted Weapon].

    Jan Ors – 29/60
    Fraction: Rebel
    Cost: 18
    Hit Points: 60
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +6
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Unique. Pilot; Double Attack, Affinity [May be in a New Republic squad], Camaraderie [An ally whose name contains Kyle Katarn gains Double Attack, Distraction, and Opportunist], Distraction [Suppresses adjacent enemy commander effects], Opportunist [+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round], Relay Orders [Each allied commander can count distance from this character as well as from itself for the purpose of commander effects], Stealth [If this character has cover, she does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets]

    "What would you do without me, Kyle?"

    Coleman Trebor – 15/60
    Fraction: Republic
    Cost: 14
    Hit Poits: 60
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack, Bravado +10 [+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an adjacent enemies with a higher point cost]
    Force Powers: Force 2, Master Speed [Force 1: This character can move 6 extra squares on its turn as part of its move]

    Elite Mandalorian Marauder – 48/60
    Fraction: Mandalorian
    Cost: 22
    Hit Points: 60
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Bloodthirsty [+10 Damage on melee attacks against enemies at half Hit Points or less], Cloaked [If this character has cover, it cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies], Melee Duelist [+4 Defense when attacked by an adjacent enemy], Parry [When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11]

    Nei Rin – 57/60
    Fraction: Yuuzhan Vong
    Cost: 28
    Hit Points: 60
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +6
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Affinity (may be in a New Republic squad), Force Immunity, Shaper +10, Rapport (Characters whose name contains Ossus Guardian cost 1 less when in the same squad), Vong Heritage (Affinity does not change a Yuuzhan Vong character's faction in your squad), Vonduun Crab Shaper (Allies within 6 with Vonduun Crab Armor gains +4 Def against non-adjacent enemies)
    Commander Effect: Yuuzhan Vong allies within 6 squares who fail a Vonduun Crab Armor save may immediately move 2 squares.

    Dathomiri Witch – 37/60
    Fraction: New Republic
    Cost: 15
    Hit Points: 60
    Defense: 16
    Attack: 8
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Bravado +10, Rival (may not be in the same squad as Nightsisters), Synergy +2 (A character named Rancor gains +2 Atk and +2 Def while within 6 squares)
    Force Powers: Force 2, Force Push 2, Force Weapon

    Kira Carsen – TOR 2/10
    Fraction: Old Republic
    Cost: 34
    Hit Points: 100
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +12
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack; Triple Attack, Jedi Knight [Counts as a character named Old Republic Jedi Knight], Child of the Emperor [This character can spend her own Force points once per turn and spend Force points from an enemy character whose name contains Emperor once per turn. This character cannot be activated by enemy Force powers or special abilities.], Force Bond [Allies named Jedi Guardian gain Leaping Assault], Rapport [Costs 1 less when in the same squad as a character whose name contains Jedi Knight]
    Force Powers: Force 2, Leaping Assault [Force 2, replaces turn: Move this character to any unoccupied square within 6 squares. This move does not provoke attacks of opportunity. After moving, this character may still make all of her attacks this turn.]

    "Eat lightsaber, jerk!"
  • Galactic Heroes – zapowiedź #1

    2012-12-13 22:17:02 forum Star Wars Games

    Tajemnice piątego v-seta do Star Wars Miniatures autorstwa międzynarodowego komitetu graczy zrzeszonych na są powoli rozwiewane. Co prawda nie ma jeszcze kart do dodatku, ale w zapowiedziach pojawiają się szczegółowe dane i konfirmacje. Póki co znamy 8 statystyk i mamy potwierdzone kolejnych 6 miniaturek. Dzisiejsi bohaterowie galaktyki to rycerze (niekoniecznie Jedi!), Lordowie Sithów i „zwykli” zjadacze chleba.

    Mirialian Jedi - 2/60
    Fraction: Old Republic
    Cost: 20
    Hit Points: 60
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Makashi Style, Acrobatic (This character ignores other characters while moving)
    Force Powers: Force 2, Lightsaber Deflect

    Darth Caedus, Sith Lord - 7/60
    Fraction: Sith
    Cost: 54
    Hit Points: 110
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +12
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round), Embrace of Pain (+1 Attack and +1 Defense for every 10 points of damage currently on this character), Makashi Style Mastery (When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11. Shii-Cho, Soresu, Ataru, and Niman Style cannot be used against this character.), Force Ascetic (Cannot spend Force points to reroll or move faster), Affinity (Characters who's name contains Galactic Alliance may be in a squad with this character regardless of faction), Rapport 1 (Characters who's name contains Galactic Alliance cost 1 less when in a squad with this character)
    Force Powers: Force 2, Force Renewal 2, Master of the Force 2, Aing Ti flow walk - (Force 3: Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can take an immediate turn. This does not count as activating the character this round.), Lightsaber Riposte, Master Illusion, Sith Battle Manipulation - (force 3 - usable on this characters turn, sight, choose one target character within line of sight, Cadeus may move that character and all characters (enemies and allies alike) within 6 squares of the target character up to 3 spaces. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This character cannot be moved by this force power.)
    Commander Effect: Galactic Alliance followers gain +3 Attack and +3 Defense

    Darth Wryylok III - 9/60
    Fraction: Sith
    Cost: 20
    Hit Points: 60
    Defens: 17
    Attack: +7
    Damage: 0
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Booming Voice, Opportunist +20
    Force Powers: Force 3, Force Lightning 2, Force Stun
    Commander Effect: Sith Followers without the Affinity Special Ability gain Backlash.

    Boss Nass - 13/60
    Fraction: Republic
    Cost: 35
    Hit Points: 80
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +5
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Booming Voice, Speed 4, Gungan Reserves 20 (If you roll an 20 for initiative, you can add up to 20 points of non-Unique Gungan characters from any faction to your squad immediately before your first activation of the round.), Rapport (Gungans on your squad cost 1 less)
    Commander Effect: At the start of the skirmish, choose 1 allied Gungan character; that ally gains Bombad General [Once per round, at the end of this character's turn, this character can designate one enemy that it can see. For the rest of this round, allied Gungans can target this character, ignoring cover.], Whenever a non-unique Gungan ally would be defeated, it can make a save of 16. If the save succeeds, that ally returns to play in its squad's setup area with its original hit points.

    Muun Guard Colonel – 22/60
    Fraction: Separatist
    Cost: 15
    Hit Points: 40
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +7
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Opportunist +20
    Commander Effect: Allies named Muun Guards gain Opportunist.

    Imperial Knight Strike Team Leader - 33/60
    Fraction: Imperal
    Cost: 27
    Hit Points: 100
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Cortosis Gauntlet 18, Evade, Rapport (Non-unique Imperial Knight followers cost 1 less), Synergy (+4 Atk when within 6 of an Imperial Knight ally)
    Force Powers: Force 2, Lightsaber Block
    Commander Effect: Imperial Knight followers gain Evade.

    Domain Shai Subaltern - 54/60
    Fraction: Yuuzhan Vong
    Cost: 29
    Hit Pints: 60
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilties: Melee Attack, Double Attack, Charging Fire, Force Immunity, Synergy (+4 Atk when within 6 of an ally named Shedao Shai), Razorbug, Embrace of Pain, Vonduun Crab Armor 11
    Commander Effect: Yuuzhan Vong followers gain Charging Fire [replaces turn: can move up to double speed, then attack]. Non-unique Yuuzhan Vong followers whose name contains Warrior gain Double Attack.

    Domain Shai Warrior – 55/60
    Fraction: Yuuzhan Vong
    Cost: 10
    Hit Points: 40
    Defense: 14
    Attack: +3
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Melee Attack. Yuuzhan Vong Warrior, Force Immunity, Thud Bug, Embrace of Pain, Rapport (-1 when in same squad as Shedao Shai), Synergy (+2 attack/+ defense when within 6 squares of Shedao Shai), Vonduun Crab Armor 16

    Ponadto w przyszłości podamy informacje o takich miniaturkach jak:
    Kendra Draay,
    Coleman Trebor,
    General Lando Calrissian,
    Jan Ors,
    Dathomir Witch,
    Jedi Training Droid,
    Mandalorian Technician,
    Zonama Sekot Scout.

    Kolejne zapowiedzi już wkrótce!

    Galactic Heroes

    2012-10-21 14:09:17

    Międzynarodowy komitet graczy Star Wars Miniatures zrzeszony na nie ustaje w ulepszaniu bitewniaka. Najnowszym projektem grupy jest wirtualny dodatek „Galactic Heroes” i mini dodatek „The Old Republic”. Z przecieków wiemy, jak wyglądać będzie ilościowy przydział miniaturek do poszczególnych frakcji. I tak: po 4 minisy dostaną: Sithowie i Republika, 5 sztuk powędruje do: Separatystów, Imperium, Nowej Republiki i Mandalorian, 6 nowości uzyska: Stara Republika, Rebelia i Yuuzhan Vongowie, natomiast frakcja niezależnych wzbogaci się o 14 postaci.

    Ze składu „Galactic Heroes” potwierdzono następujące miniaturki:

    Kendra Draay (Old Republic),
    Boss Nass (Republic),
    Dathomir Witch (Fringe),
    Mandalorian Technician (Mandalorian),
    Zonama Sekot Scout (Yuuzhan Vong),
    General Lando Calrissian (Rebel).

    Natomiast poniższe miniaturki według planu komitetu mają dostać wzmocnienia:
    Kyle Katarn,
    Imperial Knight,
    Elite Yuuzhan Vong Warrior,
    Hailfire Droid,
    B3 Ultra Battle Droid,
    Ossus Guardian,
    Basilisk War Droid,
    Nien Numb,
    Lucien Draay.

    „The Old Republic” będzie składać się z 12 miniaturek, a wśród nich znajdować się będą: Darth Sidious, Sith Mastermind oraz Luke Skywalker, Master of the Order, których karty prezentujemy poniżej.


    ''Scum & Villainy'' i dwa mini dodatki na Bastionie

    2012-09-13 20:11:35

    Prace nad wirtualnym dodatkiem do Star Wars Miniatures, autorstwa międzynarodowego komitetu graczy zrzeszonych na, pod nazwą „Scum & Villainy” zakończyły się planowo przed konwentem GenCon 2012. V-set wprowadził do gry wiele ciekawych kart z postaciami, po które nie sięgnął wcześniej Wizards of the Coast w swoich oficjalnych dodatkach. Premiera „Scum & Villainy” to nie tylko 60 fanowskich kart, to także dwa inne mini dodatki, które urozmaicą grę wszystkim otwartym na nowości graczom.

    Scum & Villainy” to największy jak dotąd zbiór zbirów z odległej galaktyki w wirtualnym świecie Star Wars Miniatures – w dodatku umieszczono aż 19 kart z frakcji Fringe. Pozostałe ekipy też dostały wsparcie, niektóre nad wyraz dobre. Pojawiło się kilka nowych umiejętności, które stanowią śmiertelną kompozycję z tym, co już w Star Wars Miniatures widzieliśmy.

    Jedi vs Sith” to kolejna mini produkcja, będąca bonusem do właściwego v-seta. Postawiono w niej na najstarszy gwiezdnowojenny temat, czyli walkę Jedi i Sithów. Wśród kart znajdziemy klasyczne postacie jak i te z najnowszych produktów Expanded Universe, jak choćby w serii książkowej „Przeznaczenie Jedi”.

    Epic Duos 2” to może bardziej odskocznia od klasycznego spojrzenia na Star Wars Miniatures, bo zestaw ten zawiera 6 mega silnych kart, których punkty bazowe plasują się powyżej 100 punktów. Ale epickie pojedynki zawsze stanowiły mocną stronę świata Gwiezdnych Wojen.

    Zapraszamy do przeglądania galerii kart i pobierania plików w formacie pdf ułatwiających ich wydruk, które znajdziecie w artykułach na temat dodatków.

    Kolejne informacje na temat ''Scum & Villainy''

    2012-06-23 10:51:04

    Czytelników Bastionu zainteresowanych rozwojem wirtualych dodatatków Star Wars Miniatures autorstwa komitetu graczy zrzeszonych na zapraszamy na kolejny raport z prac nad „Scum & Villainy”. Od czasu naszej ostatniej informacji pojawiła się wuchta nowych statystyk i kart postaci z różnych okresów historycznych i frakcji. „Scum & Villainy” mocno sięga po bohaterów z Expanded Universe – przede wszystkim różnego rodzaju szumowiny i przestępców. Kontrowersją dzisiejszej zapowiedzi może być dla wielu miniaturka Master Yoda (walcząca mieczem) przypisana do Rebelii lub też duch Qui-Gon Jinna, którego w Gwiezdnych Wojnach nie widzieliśmy a zaledwie słyszeliśmy w Epizodzie II (nie licząć trylogii „Mortis” w serialu „Wojny Klonów”, gdzie jego obecność nie została do końca wyjaśniona).

    Old Republic Jedi Knight - Old Republic
    Cost: 18
    Hit Points: 40
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +7
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Melee Attack:ack, Squad Cover [+4 Defense:ense while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares], Synergy +2 [+2 Attack: while an allied Old Republic Jedi Knight is within 6 squares]
    Force Powers: Force 2, Lightsaber Assault [Force 1, replaces Attack: Make 2 Attacks], Lightsaber Defense:lect [Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee Attack:, this character takes no Damage: age with a save of 11]
    "For a hundred generations the Jedi have fought to protect the Republic!" —Unidentified humanoid Jedi, 5,000 BBY

    Grodin Tierce's Clone - Imperial
    Cost: 26
    Hit Points: 70
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique; Double Attack, Imperial Triumvirate (add +2 to you initiative roll except on a 1, this bonus stacks), Rival (Can not be in a squad with Palleon or Thrawn), Tactician +2
    Commander Effect: Non-unique followers get +2 Attack:ack and +2 Defense.

    Shada D'ukal - Fringe
    Cost: 28
    Hit Points: 80
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +12
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique. Mistryl Shadow Guard, Bodyguard, Double Attack, Quick Reactions [+6 Attack:ack when making Attacks of opportunity], Quick Reflexes [+6 Defense when Attack:acked on Attack:s of opportunity], Stealth, Zenji Needle [Replaces Attack: Choose 1 enemy within line of sight, ignoring cover. 10 Damage to target enemy; save 16.]
    "Do you know Shada D'ukal? She can be very disarming." —Han Solo

    Padawan Learner - Old Republic
    Cost: 9
    Hit Points: 20
    Defense: 16
    Attack: +4
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Padawan-Can spend a unique allies force points, but can not combine with its own force points, Synergy - +2 Attack while a unique ally with a force rating is within 6 squares.
    Force Powers: Force 1, Lightsaber Deflect

    Ewok Chieftain – Fringe 38/60 Cost: 19
    Hit Points: 40
    Defense: 14
    Attack: 6
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Double Attack, Momentum, Swarm +1
    Commander Effect: Non unique Ewok allies who end their move within 6 squares of this character gain momentum.

    BX Commando Droid Sniper – Separatist 14/60
    Cost: 15
    Hit Points: 50
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 30
    Special abilities: Droid, Accurate Shot, Careful Shot +4, Heavy Weapon, Intuition, Single Shot Blaster, Sniper, Stealth

    Mandalorian Protector – Mandalorian 55/60
    Cost: 17
    Hit Points: 50
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Beskar'gam [When this character takes Damage, he reduces the Damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11], Bodyguard

    Kenth Hamner - New Republic 10/60
    Cost: 34
    Hit Points: 100
    Defense: 19
    Attack: +11
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilites: Unique. Melee Attack; Double Attack, Gregarious [+4 Attack if an ally is within 6 squares], Melee Duelist [+4 Defense when Attacked by an adjacent enemy]
    Force Powers: Force 4, Force Stun, Lightsaber Defense, Lightsaber Precision
    Commander Effect: New Republic trooper followers within 6 squares gain Cunning Attack

    Qui-Gon Jinn Force Spirit - Republic
    Cost: 16
    Hit Points: -
    Defense: -
    Attack: -
    Special Abilities : Unique, Speed 4, Light Spirit, Mettle
    Force Powers: Force 4, Sense The Future [2 Force Pints, Once per round you can exchange your initiative check with your opponent's.]
    Commander Effect: Whenever a unique follower with a force rating is Defeated, another unique follower within 6 squares gets its remaining force points.

    Master Yoda - Rebel
    Cost: 44
    Hit Points: 120
    Defense: 20
    Attack: 14
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack; Twin Attack, Affinity [May be in a Republic squad], Ataru Style [+4 Attack if exactly 1 enemy is within 6 squares], Jedi Trainer [At the start of the skirmish, choose an allied character with a Force rating. That ally gains 1 Force point and Ataru Style.] Force Powers: Force 3. Force Renewal 1; Master of the Force 2, Force Defense [Force 3: Cancel a Force power used by a character within 6 squares], Force Stun [Force 1, usable only on this character's turn; range 6; target living enemy is considered activated this round; save 11], Lightsaber Defense [Force 1: When hit by an Attack:ack, this character takes no Damage: age with a save of 11]
    Commander Effect: At the end of its turn, if an ally with a Force rating made only one Attack this turn, it may make one additional Attack against the same enemy if it can. Allies with a lightsaber gain Lightsaber Defense.

    Ponadto komitet ujawnił jedną kartę i jedną statystykę wypasionych lodów Sithów jakie wejdą w skład „dodatku do dodatku” „Jedi vs Sith”.

    Lord Krayt - 6/12
    Cost: 114
    Hit Points: 130
    Defense: 23
    Attack: +17
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack; Triple Attack, Advantageous Attack [+10 Damage: age against an enemy who has not activated this round], Affinity [Non-Unique Imperials may be in your squad regardless of faction], Vonduun Crab Armor 6 [When this character takes Damage: age, he can reduce the Damage: age dealt by 10 with a save of 6]
    Force Powers: Force 2. Force Renewal 1; Master of the Force 2, Essence of Life [Force 2: When a living ally within 6 squares would be Defeated, that ally makes a save of 11. On a success, that ally has 10 Hit Points instead of being Defeated.], Recovery 60 [Force 3, replaces turn: Remove 60 Damage from this character], Sith Rage [Force 1: +10 Damage on all Attacks this turn], Transfer Essence [Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: Choose 1 living ally. Remove that ally from play and place Lord Krayt in that ally's space; that ally is Defeated.]
    Commander Effect: You can choose to activate only 1 character in each phase. (This includes Droid and Savage characters.)
    "I have been through death and conquered it."

    Więcej informacji już niedługo!